Home Is Where The Shared Occupancy Is

It looks like I will be living in the on campus apartments. Apparently people get confused if I call them dorms, since they are not dorms and are indeed “on-campus apartments.”

I guess I’ll have an interesting experience from it I can only hope that the people I am roomed with will be cool. Maybe I can trade with someone from another room…like a roomie exchange. hopefully.

Anyway, it’s a total ripoff. The housing on campus is so much more expensive than anything you’ll find off campus and you have a small living space that you will be sharing. Whatever, if my parents want me to live there then they will have to pay for it, if I don’t have enough money I’m going straight to them.

I’m finally home and it really doesn’t feel as nice as I thought it would be, heh. I think I just need some alone time. I haven’t been alone for the past five days. You can just imagine how great I’ll feel next semester.