The Road to New Beginnings

Classes are finally over. Christmas time is here. Soon it will be a whole new year, and I don’t know if it means starting over but I know it’s a jumping off point (is that the term?). I could be smarter. I could try to be less analytical and emotional about my personal life. I could learn new things. Let’s see what happens.

All I do know for sure is that I have a limited number of days here at home to be with my loved ones and friends. To enjoy LA and everything it has to offer. To abuse my Disneyland Annual Pass to the fullest extent (hee hee) and to pack up my life into boxes. I know I’ll still have a place here if I need or want it but I think I should learn to be on my own. I think minimizing my material possessions will be good for my soul.

I haven’t really had much to close with for the past month of journal entries, I still don’t right now but I’ll just say happy holidays and be safe on new years.