Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Imma go see Har Mar Supastar and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs tonite!

I only have two hours before I need to be at Joanie’s house. I bettah go git ready.

I was spelling badly on purpose.

UPDATE~ the morning after:

I look “to’ up” or is it toe up? I always thought it was the ghetto version of “tore” which would translate into “to'”.

I went to the offical afterparty where Nick was DJing, thanks to my inside hook-up connection. I met him and mentally humped him and he signed my poster. He did interviews for the new SG magazine. He said he liked my SG sweatshirt…yeah, that’s right.

ok now I need to shower.

Get Out Of My Dreams And Into My Car

When is it ay accept a date from someone who hits on you from his car?

I was walking down the street to the bus stop earlier today and this guy pulls up in a truck and…

He says: “Hey what’s your name?”

me: *ignore and pretend to not hear him*

him: “Hey beautiful”

me: *look at him and smile*

him: “So do you want to go out?”

me: “Aren’t you supposed to be driving?” and just my luck, the light is red.

him: “Nah, it’s red. So how about it?”

me: “I don’t think so”

him: “you’re really beautiful.”

me :”thanks”

I was thinking “you’re kinda cute but you’re really creeping me out right now”

So the moral of today’s story is: Yes, Carpe Diem…but not from inside a car. As nice as you seem (or might be) it’s not enough to make me get into your car after a minute of talking to you.