Do your 5%

Just found this post from April in my drafts. I haven’t proof read it but I figured it was worth publishing. I dunno, maybe it’s pointless. Let’s find out!

This weekend I am in S.F. This morning at brunch Sean and I had this we had this talk about how our generation isn’t doing it’s part to create global social and political change, instead it’s in the park playing drunk kickball on the weekends. Actually I was just listening to my friend’s dissatisfaction with our generation. If the 20 and 30 year olds started taking the initiative to run for offices in their local and federal branches of the bureaucracy we could be making a difference. We should be trying to make a change, make a difference in this world and run it the way we think it should be run. He thinks everyone should be doing their 5%, at the very least.

I think maybe it’s from my upbringing but I don’t actually think things are that bad… maybe I am the problem with the world today. When I say “maybe its from my upbringing” what I mean by that is after years and years or trying to do what I want, I find it’s easier to do what my parents and elders think I should do. Yeah, thats called conformity, So I’ve been brainwashed, so I’ve been conditioned to think that things are okay when

It’s not that I don’t care, I just don’t think things are that bad. I mean I’m still alive and all, I’m relatively content and while I do think there are things we should be doing differently I’m not living in fear everyday or feel like I’m living in an intolerable environment. On one hand I do want to work toward a greater good but on the other hand I am still trying to make things good for myself. It’s like how much can you do for the community without giving up everything you want for yourself personally?

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