Home is where… ?

So it’s time to move again. I feel like I have to much experience with this but then again I guess there are a lot more people who have moved more times than I have.

Let’s see there was 1. from my parents’ house to the on campus apt in San Francisco. 2. the villas to the apt in the Fillmore. 3. The Fillmore to the house on San Juan, 4. from the house on San Juan back to my parents’ place, and finally 5. from my parents’ house to Highland Park.

Five times, I’ve moved five times since I graduated high school. It doesn’t seem like a big number but I guess it’s kind of a lot. Of all the places I’ve lived since then I think this apartment is the longest I’ve ever stayed in any one place. Been in Highland park for 2 years now, doesn’t seem that long at all. I’ve noticed that as you get older time seems to go by faster. I guess when you’re in school things sort of change yearly and even quarterly, you just get so used to change that you can’t imagine sticking with any one thing for more than a year.

I actually think I miss that. Maybe that explains why I’m so frustrated with life as it is now. Frustrated is really the best word I can think of to describe this feeling. It’s sort of a constant restlessness but at the same time I want to give up on everything. I’m not sure why this feeling is here, or what is causing it and thus I have no idea how to make it disappear. I think I just need to make major changes. But I’ve never made changes without thinking too much about them first. So I guess I’m still in that stage.

What was I talking about? Oh yes, I’m planning on moving. Hopefully to Silver Lake or Echo Park. We’ll see.

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