Ladies and gentlemen, I am now 30. A grown up, technically speaking.
I have already completed four things from my list of 30 things to do in my 30th year! Here they are:
2. Steampunk Party!

4. Host a masquerade party

25. go to a farm or petting zoo (with goats and llamas or alpacas)

And on my birthday, Patrick and I went to…
6. Disneyland!

So that leaves just 26 items left. Here is what remains:
1. Swim with a Beluga (or some kind of up close and personal experience)
3. Get a scooter
5. Learn how to sail
7. Do laughing yoga
8. Learn how to drive manual
9. Indoor skydiving
10. Visit (caution: this site has auto play sound)
11. Have a Thanksgiving feast (not on Thanksgiving)
12. Kayak in Hawaii
13. Dim Sum Party!
14. Travel overseas (Hong Kong? Europe? Bali?)
15. Make and eat a pizza (being really ambitious here)
16. Get a goldfish!
17. Host a private screening of a movie in a theater (
18. Screen an old movie (with a projector preferrably) and wear clothes from that era
19. Ride a train to a destination outside of L.A.
20. Visit a museum
21. Go on The Price is Right (kind of dreading this, actually)
22. Make a movie
23. Have a big Chinese family dinner gathering at parents’ house
24. Do a factory tour (of anything: donuts, tortillas, furniture, cars)
26. Celebrate at a barcade (Dave and Buster’s or other arcade/drinking/dining environment)
27. Learn CSS
28. Visit New Orleans
29. New tattoo in a new city
30. Go to Graceland