A Long Overdue Post

It’s the holiday season, so whoop dee doo and dickery dock…

Welcome to the day before Christmas. I’m at work and no one else is working which means things are slow. Perfect for blogging.

Since I last checked in I’ve been to Portland, where I:wore heels till froze, ate vegan donuts (and ate donuts with bacon on them), sang my signature Karaoke songs at The Boiler Room, and attended my first charity ball. Then I went to San Franicso, where I: got a haircut, hung out with friends, and visited the new Academy of Sciences building in Golden Gate Park.

Now I’m back in L.A. and getting ready to go to my parents’ house for Christmas weekend.

National Day of Listening

While listening to NPR this weekend I heard some talk from a show (or segment?) called StoryCorps (which originally I thought was spelled Storycore and I thought “hardcore stories… these stories are intense”). StoryCorps was encouraging listeners to particiapte in an event called National Day of Listening. What happens is, the day after Thanksgiving you’re supposed to interview a family member, or friend, just anyone you know. You listen to them, listen to the story they have to tell, about anything. You just interview them and ask them to share a part of their life and memory with you.

I think I want to do this. I know my parents, aunts, uncles and grandma all have stories to tell. They have experiences that I won’t ever get to have, or would ever want to have really. I should get some of these stories from them while I still can.

Anyway, I encourage you to do the same. I might post some of these after I edit them. Maybe, we’ll see how it goes.

National Day of Listening

Style Icon: Kate Lanphear

I have a new crush on US Elle’s Senior Stylist, Kate Lanphear.  Mostly though, I just want her hair.

Kate on the streets of NY via garancedore.com
Kate on the streets of NY via garancedore.fr
Another photo of Kate by garancedore.com
Another photo of Kate by garancedore.fr
She looks like a little boy here, which is cute.
She looks like a little boy here, which is cute.

Everybody Wants To Rule The World

Today is the last voting day, official voting day of the 2008 Presidential Election. At the head of the race are Senator John McCain for the Republicans, and (everyone’s favorite) Senator Barack Obama running on the Democratic party ticket. There’s sort of a lot riding on this and I think when it really comes down to it, Obama stands more of change than McCain does. Not to mention that McCain’s running mate, Sarah Palin, is absolutely unqualified to be next in line to lead this country. I’d be dead afraid if she was in charge. I don’t know why people voting for McCain don’t see that.

Anyway, I didn’t vote for Barack Obama, but I’m hoping he wins. I’d love for Cynthia McKinney to win, but I already know that won’t happen. I guess just as long as John McCain doesn’t win, I’m fine. As of right now though, it’s looking like this:

Electoral Map as of 4:17pm PST, Obama - 3, McCain - 8
Electoral Map as of 4:17pm PST, Obama - 3, McCain - 8