The Blog Will Rise Again!

Look! My old entries are back! Fantastic! It’s all thanks to Joss and Jeremy! They’re like my human undo buttons. I usually try to not fuck things up but when I do they usually know how to fix it. YAY!

Since I’ve been able to recover my old blog I merged the entries to this one. Unfortunately, now some of them don’t make sense but who cares? Nobody reads this anyway!

That’s all for now. Oh, also wanted to post something Joss sent me:

What Have We Learned, Charlie Brown?

As we all know, everyone makes mistakes, and I have made yet another one having to do with my WordPress blog. Just as well, I need to learn. What did I do exactly?


I’ve owned both and for awhile now. I think I’ve owned this domain longer but as to what to do with it I wasn’t quite sure. My Aunt bought this domain for me as a gift either for my birthday or for Christmas one year, or possibly just as a “thinking of you gift” (which she does quite often, and I love her for it). Anyway originally this domain was bought through and I had no idea what to do with it so really it was nothing more than a splash page that led to nowhere for a very long time.

Later I got setup with DreamHost (who I love) and bought because I wanted to set up a WordPress blog. DreamHost has a one click install function that made it incredibly easy to create a WordPress blog. So I had that for about a year and a half at Initially I had hoped to use the domain to host a portfolio (of work I have yet to do) and a resume and possibly a gallery, which is why I hosted the blog at that URL.

Finally my .com domain expired at GoDaddy and I was able to transfer registration over to DreamHost which was great and after about 6 months, it finally happened. Usually these things don’t take 6 months but there was this aggravating ordeal that happened with GoDaddy which has now led me to say I hate them and will never use them again, but their customer service phone reps are very nice.

So now I have and, which is cool I guess but I don’t want to maintain a blog at two seperate domains with the same information. So I tried to find a way to possibly merge the two blogs, or transfer all the content from .net to the .com domain. I also thought about just redirecting the .net site to .com and saving myself the trouble.

All these methods required some kind of knowledge of what the hell I was doing, and I have none such knowledge. So, it was kind of inevitable that somewhere down the line I would fuck things up, which is what I did. I tried to redirect to and since I had given the extension of /blog along with for the blog it would redirect to mitziyoung.comblog. YAY! So there is no CTRL+Z on the internets, and I then sort of lost I’m sure there’s a way to restore it, I just don’t know how. I do know that all the information for the blog is still sitting in the database but how I bring it back to life I am not sure.

I could try to figure it out but I’ve been doing that for the past hour and I don’t want to call Joss, possibly wake her up, and make her fix my mistake for me (again). So I’ll just deal with it. Now I have this domain, the blog is on it, I can redirect .net to the .com with no problems.

I’ve just lost a year or so of blog information, which is fine I suppose, since the real blog that has chronicled the last 4 years of my life is somewhere else on the internet entirely. Anyways, now I’ve learned what can’t be done through DreamHost and WordPress and hopefully I won’t make that mistake again.

I Love Rock n Roll

… so put another dime in the show machine, baby. Or something.

New shows coming up:

10/9: Bat for Lashes @ The Troubadour (might go see this, maybe not, still trying to decide)

10/10: Beirut @ The Avalon

10/23: Man Man @ The Troubadour

10/28: Final Fantasy @The Troubadour (haven’t gotten tickets yet, still on the fence)


New Pornographers

Lavender Diamond (2nd time this year)

Arcade Fire (2nd time this year)

LCD Soundsystem

Pick a theme, any theme

So now that I’ve finally got this domain up again. I’m faced with the dilemma of choosing an appropriate theme, or maybe just one that I like.

Thanks to WordPress I can just easily click and try on different themes. However, once I finally decide on a look I then have to figure out how to add all the features I want into the theme, which takes a little more thought and knowledge. I’ve only dabbled in webdesign so it’s not like I really know what I’m doing when I copy and paste lines of code. I’ve mostly learned some random things about HTML (who uses HTML anymore?) and color codes from sites like WebMonkey and from trying to pick apart code of sites that I like.

It really makes me want to just give up and go back to themes I already know how to modify. Or go to sleep.