Last 5 songs I bought on iTunes

So I got tagged by Sean Bonner to post the last 5 songs I bought on iTunes. I think this is supposed to be some kind of indication of what kind of music I like, and it works for the most part. However, I’ve been buying a lot of music in CD format lately so the results of this experiment are 1.) not really accurate and 2.) kind of embarrassing.

The last five tracks I bought from iTunes are from one album, the soundtrack to Spanglish. There is a song in the movie that has a great violin (possibly viola) solo and I really wanted it but you can only buy the entire album. So I did and it was well worth it.

If you want an actual sampling of what I buy on iTunes I can tell you the last 5 items. They would be

5. Spanglish soundtrack

4. a free sampler album from iTunes

3. episodes of Shear Genius (reality/competition t.v. show on Bravo)

2. Tracy Chapman – Fast Car

1. Gwen Stefani – Sweet Escape

I know this won’t help much but to balance it out I have also bought episodes of This American Life as well as a full Mitch Hedberg CD.

Update: New Layout

Actually, it’s the same layout just new colors and background. I’ve been clicking around TreeHugger a lot lately and I found an article that talked about how much energy is wasted on computer screens. I learned about Black Google, which is just the search engine, Google, with a black background instead of white. I also learned about a way to make my own blog more energy efficient by switching to a color pallette that saves energy by requiring a lower wattage from your computer screen.

I’ve been playing around with different backgrounds, but I keep coming back to this black with gray stripes that I’m currently using. I made it after observing the BG image used on The Fabulist, which has a great design that I love. I made my own “simple, but not” BG which I’ve now used for my myspace and twitter pages. As it turns out it’s pretty energy efficient as well… at least I hope so.

Project Pedal

Ever since meeting a friend who was really into cycling I’ve gotten into the idea of it. Project Pedal is one of those ideas that I’ve gotten into. It’s a project (of sorts) that combines cycling, traveling, the people and landscape of the United States and a little bit of reality T.V. to produce a vlog/documentary called Project Pedal.

The best way to learn about it is to visit the site (linked above) but here is a synopsis of the project taken from the Project pedal website:

This documentary – tentatively titled ‘Pedal‘, will bookend with the Pacific and Atlantic oceans… anchored to a small group’s cross country trip and focusing on the inspiring people that cross their path.

Each week a vlog will be posted that will share stories from these people met along the way – as well as the main cast and the occasional behind-the-scenes footage. In the end, the bi-product of these vlogs will be used for a feature length documentary.

The end-goal of this project, both in it’s vlog and documentary form, is to share people’s reasons and motivations behind their trip. Most importantly to share what makes or drives a person to leave everything behind and to understand what they each take away from this overwhelming and painful journey.

It’s kind of amazing.

An Open Letter to An Old Friend

Dear San Francisco,

Hi. How are you?

I know it’s been awhile. I’m sorry things ended up like they did last time we were together.

I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. I’ve been looking at pictures. I really miss you. I love the time we spent together. You were there for me through some of the hardest years of my life and I’m so grateful for that. I don’t know if we can ever get back to where we were before but I know I want you to be a part of my future. I just can’t stand living like this, not seeing you. I wish I could hug you but I wouldn’t know where to start.

I’ll see you soon, hopefully. Not sure when, but soon.

Love you,