
Being home in bed right now makes me feel the same dead end, going nowhere, boring life nostalgia that made me leave this place. I don’t know if it’s because I’m listening to depressing music or what, but I feel it and it’s scaring me.

My dad was talking about selling my car. I think he very well should. I mean it’s just sitting around depreciating when it could be sold and the money could be sitting around earning intrest.

The back of my throat is still a bed of infection, which must make a certain someone really happy since he gets to kiss me while I’m here. Should I be concerned that it’s been like this for a week and is not getting better? Am I going to die?

Sid and Pip’s Big Day Out

yesterday was…long.

but fun! I spent a shitload of cash (well technically it was electric monetary value since no actual cash was handled).

Started the day off like this:

8:30AM -   woke up late for my International Business final. Quick grooming to make sure I look as shitty as possible before I go to class and fail my test.

12:00PM – Hey, I wonder what Pip and Sid are doing…I’ll call and see.

12:30PM – Get on the M and get off at Powell to deposit a wad of cash from last night to my account (it’s not what you think. Although, if you’re thinking “You must have paid for dinner last night with your checkcard and are now depositing the money your friends gave you for their food” then I guess it is what you’re thinking.) Speed over to Walgreens to get film.

1:20PM – wait for the F which is slow as all hell because it’s a historical street car and runs slower than I walk. The fare machine is broken so everyone rides for free. This is a blessing and a curse because although I don’t have to hand over $1.25 I still have to wait while the driver explains the situation to senile tourists.

driver: “The machine is broken so just get on and you can ride for free.”

geezerette: “where do I put the money?”
geezer: “Just put the money in the machine.”
geezerette: “Oh but the machine is out of order”
geezer: “So where do we pay then?”
geezerette: “I don’t know, how do we pay you?”

GOOD LORD PEOPLE, PAY ATTENTION!!! get it? pay attention? heh.

1:40PM – meet Sid and Pip at the ticket thingie…guess what? the machine doesn’t recognize my card! Go to the ticket window…I bought tickets for TOMORROW! get the ticket validated for today’s boat. Some divine being likes me today! Did I mention we are going to Alcatraz?

2:30PM – walk around Alky, recreate some scenes from The Rock…I don’t really because I haven’t seen it in awhile…but I did say “Losers whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.” when talking about Alky the other day. BTW the “shower room” TOTALLY different from the one in the movie! booo.

4:15PM – Leave Alky. Decide to get FOOOOOD! We dock and dine at Bubba Gump. Pip, Sid, and I join forces and kick ass at Forrest Gump trivia, did you expect anything less?

7:40PM – Get back to the San Remo to use the potty. I passed up a piggy lighter because I didn’t have the cash…you people know what I’m talkin’ ’bout. I did however buy a Legolas bookmark. I haven’t paid for a bookmark since fourth grade but this one had Orly and a One Ring on the end of it’s tassel.

8:30PM – Take Sidular to the Apple Store. We ran amuck looking at Porm Pics untill they closed at 9.

9:25PM – Arrived at the Castro theater for the original, uncut, uncensored (as if there was anything to censor) GODZILLA!!! I laughed, I cried, I didn’t really cry. NOT THE OXYGEN DESTROYER!!!! AHH! DR. SIZAWA!!

11something – parted ways and went home…

Don’t Try This At Home

Wanna hear something hilarious?

I waxed off a major part of my eyebrow tonight. It was an accident. I think it’s incredibly funny…I don’t think the regret has hit me yet. It’s just funny cause it’s one of those things that you would see on family sitcoms but it happened to ME!!!

I’ll Show YOU!

Did you used to watch Doogie Howser? Remember at the end of each episode he would write a journal entry on his computer? He would write one or two sentences about the events that happened in the episode that week. Thinking back on it now those entries would make no sense at all and would be totally cryptic because he never actually wrote down what happened, just some kind of reflection on what happened.

I can’t go to sleep. I don’t know if it’s because I’m racked with guilt (is that the expression?) because my roommate has chosen to sleep in the living room instead of the bedroom (which we share) because I’m pissed so I turned on the lights and TV.

Or can’t I sleep because I’m pissed off at her because we went to a friend’s house and I was so tired I was falling asleep in my friends room while she continued to try to get close with Julie’s roommate, who she has a crush on. I’m all for her getting with Gabe (except for the fact that he has a girlfriend, which apparently doesn’t bother Jill at all) but not if she’s going to disregard all responsibility (she was my ride home) to try to get in him to make out with her or whatever her intentions were. Either way, pissed or guilty, I can’t sleep.

I called my “friend” so that I could talk to him, maybe calm down, maybe feel comforted. He’s the only person I can call whenever I need to because he’s the only one I don’t have a problem waking up, he doesn’t mind. He didn’t answer, all five times. He was at a club, which is good, I’m happy for him but after finding out that he was out having fun I didn’t want to talk to him after all. I don’t want to talk to someone who was just out having a good time while I’m home having a shitty time, needing some kind of comfort, some reassurance, just something nice.

Whistle While You Work

I made my roommates do dishes this morning…and they’re grumpy!

I was doing the trash… well, taking it out, and one of my roommates comes into the kitchen, rinses out her cereal bowl and was about to set it on top of the pile of dirty dishes in the sink when I say, “You know, the dishes in the dishwasher are clean.” So she knows I want her to put the dishes away and put her dish into the dishwasher herself.

“Oh, they are?” She takes a peek. Yes, they are clean and dry. So she has to put them all away while I take the trash to the garbage chute.

I come back to find that the dishwasher is now empty but the pile of dirty dishes is still in the sink. For fuck’s sake, is it really a difficult task to put dishes into a washer? I do it whenever they don’t… which is EVERY TIME!!!

So then my other roommate comes out and sees the dishes…and since I made a verbal note about the dishes yesterday, and since she knows she NEVER does them…she started rinsing them and putting them into the washer. You can tell when she’s upset, she never hides it well.

Do I feel bad? HELL NO! I shouldn’t have to, and there is not reason to make me feel guilty for knowing the dishes were dirty and not doing anything about it. I just took out the trash…and I was the one who loaded up the dishwasher yesterday so that they were clean and dry by today! So everyone can be grumpy and F*** the hell OFF!

I’m not mad, I’m satisfied.