Dear Bob,

I’m going public with this.

This letter is written from one of the Professors at my school, San Francisco State University. Read it, it’s not only informative but also entertaining.

::This movie has been edited for TV ::

“Dear Bob,

As you are grappling with the budget crisis that is facing our university, I want to offer you some ideas that I believe will transform our institution and create a new and healthy enviornment here on campus…

Rather than making little cuts here and there, I suggest CUTTING YOUR ADMINISTRATION IN HALF…

Such a move will demonstrate that you are indeed the man of vision capable of making tough decisions that your supporters have claimed over the years.

By letting go half of the 54 admisistrators earning over $100,000 a year, figuring an average of $120,000 with benefits added, will save us approximately $4 million.


Please don’t misunderstand I am not against them…
On the contrary. I see how valuable they can be… Now, with the beginnings of a growing economy, and with the impending defeat of Bush, they will be eagerly sought out by the business community which is aware of the managerial skills they have aquired under your guidance. [this is me: ha ha ha]

Isn’t it time to correct your overcompensation? Of course this has nothing to do with your performance. But certainly no person in his right mind would suggest that the work you are doing is more important than that of the governer or mayor. Yet you recieve about $50,000 more than either of them. Arnold [The Governator] has given up his salary in its entirety. Gavin [Newsom, our mayor] is returning 15% of his compensation. Don’t you think it would be an admirable step, a sign of real leadership, for you to make a similar gesture?”

Then the last part is a couple more sarcastic jabs at the recent cuts our school went through. Our school fees just increased and will continue to increase for the next couple of years. We also completely cut some of the degree programs. Athletics has also lost funding…isn’t it fab?

This Is My Boomstick!

So I went to Santa Cruz this weekend. We’re driving down the boardwalk, on our way to El Palpaloma (or whatever that Mexican restaurant/hotel is called) and we pass this theater. The marquee says:


I was flipping out! I got sooo excited! Then I found out that tickets were 18…damn the luck. Not that anyone would have wanted to go with me anyways. At least it was good to know I was in the same 1 mile radius as Bruce Campbell. *sigh*

Party Hard

I’m on my way to the sick tank.

I have a sore throat. I think it’s because of the three or four nights in a row that I spent out last weekend. I’m a party lightweight and I need to recuperate. Which really sucks because the Dave is going to be shipping out soon and I wanted to party with the SGSF crew tonight.

I’m tired as hell though, which is why I’m going to sleep now.

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Imma go see Har Mar Supastar and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs tonite!

I only have two hours before I need to be at Joanie’s house. I bettah go git ready.

I was spelling badly on purpose.

UPDATE~ the morning after:

I look “to’ up” or is it toe up? I always thought it was the ghetto version of “tore” which would translate into “to'”.

I went to the offical afterparty where Nick was DJing, thanks to my inside hook-up connection. I met him and mentally humped him and he signed my poster. He did interviews for the new SG magazine. He said he liked my SG sweatshirt…yeah, that’s right.

ok now I need to shower.

Get Out Of My Dreams And Into My Car

When is it ay accept a date from someone who hits on you from his car?

I was walking down the street to the bus stop earlier today and this guy pulls up in a truck and…

He says: “Hey what’s your name?”

me: *ignore and pretend to not hear him*

him: “Hey beautiful”

me: *look at him and smile*

him: “So do you want to go out?”

me: “Aren’t you supposed to be driving?” and just my luck, the light is red.

him: “Nah, it’s red. So how about it?”

me: “I don’t think so”

him: “you’re really beautiful.”

me :”thanks”

I was thinking “you’re kinda cute but you’re really creeping me out right now”

So the moral of today’s story is: Yes, Carpe Diem…but not from inside a car. As nice as you seem (or might be) it’s not enough to make me get into your car after a minute of talking to you.