A Lack of Warmth

1. Happy Chinese New Year


2. So my space heater died last night and I need a new one.

Yes, I need one. The heater in our apartment has not worked since I’ve lived there and I’m not sure if I know how to make it work. I’m also not sure of how environmentally friendly it is either.

My new plan is to find a thermostatic space heater and somehow frankenstein a solar panel to power it. That’s right, I just used “frankenstein” as a verb, what now?!

Anyone have suggestions on where I can buy a relatively small and not amazingly expensive solar panel? Also a place where I might find information on how to wire it? I’ll need somewhere to store the energy so I’m assuming I’ll have to look into a battery of some sort. I’ll need to connect the panel to the battery, and the battery will have to have a hook up to a female outlet so I can plug in the heater.

Still Waiting

I’m sitting at LAX. I missed my 6:25 flight to SFO so tomorrow morning at 6:30 I’m going to be on standby to get on that flight.

Suddenly I’m 11 again. I’m alone with a book and headphones. I have no friends, nobody is coming to pick me up and take me home where i have something to eat, where I can watch T.V. or take a nap on the sofa, where I can play with my toys (still alone but I can imagine I’m not). I’m sitting (or probably laying) anywhere it’s sunny cause I’m probably cold, reading a book. Back then it would have been Goosebumps, Babysitters Club or something in the magic/fantasy genre. Now it’s Chuck Palahniuk’s Choke.

Being here, alone, waiting, makes me feel vulnerable and small, like I was back then. I want to fold into myself and be left to my own devices. I wish I had a warm attic for a stormy evening, I’m thinking of The Neverending Story.

I know it probably sounds lonely and depressing, and it was actually, but now it’s comforting. It’s something I know and something that I know won’t change unless I want it to change. Waiting for something to come, either my dad or the end of my book.

Treasure Island: Gold and Green

Cross posted from MLR

Check this out:

All the buildings on Treasure Island will meet the gold standard of the U.S. Green Building Council, further reducing energy consumption.”

Taken from the recent article in Popular Mechanics revealing new plans to use San Francisco’s Treasure Island as a testing center for new green building developments and ideas.

That’s what they said, ALL the buildings. That’s pretty sweet.

Some of the other new features planned for Treasure Island’s green makeover include completely redesigning the infrastructure of the island to taking into consideration the amount sun and wind exposure unique to the location.

Sometimes it blows my mind that city planners hadn’t taken any of this into consideration when they had originally designed the city. What did they study in school and what were they getting paid for? I mean, granted they didn’t think about the effects of global warning, use of fossil fuels, etc. when the island was built in 1939 but even the Ancient Greeks knew about building their homes to receive winter sun and summer shade.

The article goes into more details as to the some of the projects they already have planned for the island. I’m really exited about this since I visit the Bay Area quite often. I’ve actually never been to Treasure Island myself but I’m thinking this will be great excuse to go on my next trip and get some “before” shots taken.

My Betrayal

me and thomas o'malley

So tomorrow morning someone is coming to take Thomas home. And when I say “home” I mean to his new home,where ever that may be. A “home” that isn’t my home. For the past two weeks (since I found him) he has depended on me for food, water and shelter. He depends on me to clean up his litterbox. I’ve given him baths, I’ve given him things to play with and disciplined him when necessary. He’s grown comfortable around me and I’ve come to know his personality. I know what makes him purr, I know what scares him. He knows when I want him to come to me. He knows my voice. I know how to make him come out from under the bed.

Tomorrow someone is just going to come and take him away… and I’m going to let it happen. I feel like I am betraying him by not telling him. I haven’t actually told him. I haven’t told him in my own language and not in any other way. There’s no possible way I could make him understand what is going to happen anyway. I feel so bad about not explaining it to him but at the same time I am relieved that he will no longer be my responsibility.

I’ll miss the little jerk. I know I will. Still, I know it’s better this way. He will go to someone who wants him. Everybody has been saying I don’t seem like a cat person, or I don’t seem to know how to take care of him. I’ve had cats before. I could have given him a good home. I know I could have (and would have) have given him everything he needed and more but at the same time I would resent having that responsibility placed upon me like a ball and chain (please excuse the cliche). I don’t want to have to sacrifice my own happiness to keep him happy. It just doesn’t make sense for either of us. So I did the responsible thing and found him someone else who wanted to give him everything he needs.

I didn’t do it because I hate him or don’t understand him.

Just the opposite, in fact.

So This Is The New Year…

… and I don’t feel any different

Today is the last day of the year 2007. It sounds a little epic when I put it that way and I guess it sort of is, symbolically. But really tomorrow will come and it will be just another day, only I won’t have to go to work. New years are kind of funny that way. The first day of the year is symbolic of new beginnings, a fresh start, but really one could choose to do that any day of the year.  Much like Penelope Cruz says in Vanilla Sky:

Every passing moment is another chance to turn it all around.Â