Ms. Danger Will Ride Again

Remember how I was saying in an earlier post that I was the the orthopedic specialists’ office?

Well, it was because this happened

I was sledding with Erik, Kelsey, Jamie, Nathan and Brianna in Mammoth over Valentine’s Day weekend and I ended up sledding straight into a rather large, solid tree.

From the looks of the photo that Kelsey took, my leg twisted upon impact.

My x rays showed no signs of bone damage, so I had to get an MRI done. From the MRI they saw that I had partially torn my ACL and MCL and bruised my bone a little bit.

So now I’m on my second week of physical therapy and I’ve gotta say that its already a million times better. I was pretty ecstatic yesterday because I wore pants for the first time in a month. I can finally walk without a brace anymore and at a somewhat normal speed.

Full recovery, huzzah!

A Long Overdue Post

It’s the holiday season, so whoop dee doo and dickery dock…

Welcome to the day before Christmas. I’m at work and no one else is working which means things are slow. Perfect for blogging.

Since I last checked in I’ve been to Portland, where I:wore heels till froze, ate vegan donuts (and ate donuts with bacon on them), sang my signature Karaoke songs at The Boiler Room, and attended my first charity ball. Then I went to San Franicso, where I: got a haircut, hung out with friends, and visited the new Academy of Sciences building in Golden Gate Park.

Now I’m back in L.A. and getting ready to go to my parents’ house for Christmas weekend.

High Flyin Part 2: Electric Trapeze Boogaloo

So I have video that I’ve been reluctant to post of my trapeze experience with Nicole a few months back. But for the sake of posterity (or something like that) I shall share it with you.

note: the part where I get stuck hanging at the end was not intentional. I had tried to do this knee hang trick three times already (you can only try it once every time you jump off) and this is the time I finally got my legs over the bar. I was so excited that I spaced out and tried to continue the movement instead of going back the way I came which is why I got stuck in that awkward position. Otherwise you would have seen me let go and do a wicked flip. *sigh*

also: Man, I am so loud. Did you hear me say “Okay.” at the end? I was as loud as the instructor and I wasn’t even yelling like she was!

I Was A Dancer All Along

Lykke Li, “Dance, Dance, Dance”

I’m in New York right now. Staying at Tracy’s… and I can’t sleep. My quarters are comfortable enough, it’s just that I can’t sleep because I can’t stop thinking. I was just thinking about the fact that I don’t have an anchor anymore and of course that snowballed into a big deal in my mind.

I guess I always try to keep those kinds of thoughts at bay because I know it’s just one of those things that will keep me up at night. Those kind of things creep up on me when I’m not seeing anyone in particular and I think, “I’m pretty much alone in life.”

It’s either no one or everyone. I know Jamie would be there for me if I needed her. At the same time I know there are certain family members (mom, dad, Auntie E) who would be as well. Though for some reason that isn’t enough to be comforting. I know they would be there for me in the event of an emergency like if I needed to be bailed out of jail or if I wound up in the hospital. But what about in the event that I need someone to sit on the couch and watch a movie with on a Friday night? Or if I needed someone to cook dinner with? When I need to be comforted who do I turn to? Myself.

I haven’t had an anchor for awhile now and I’m not sure how I feel about that. I know it definitely makes me a different person. I wonder if this is a bad thing. Perhaps I just need to get used to the idea of being completely autonomous (which I have been for some time now) even though I have a natural desire to be co-dependent. I spend a lot of time thinking about the future and when I think about where I want mine to go, sometimes I get scared when I realize I’m just planning for myself. I’m not saying that I want to plan someone else’s future, but I guess I kind of freak out when there are no guidelines for me to keep in mind. I’m not tracing along lines that are already there and adding flourishes where ever I feel they are appropriate. I am totally freehanding it and that scares me.

It’s sort of a lose-lose situation here. I can either be completely self-reliant and convince myself that I will be happier this way. Or I can admit that I am more comfortable when I have someone else in my life, and  realize how unhappy I am without one.