
Just wanted to post a quick update with some blogs I’ve found to be cool and interesting lately.

  • Moop : yeah, it’s a blog from a lady who makes bags. but I think it’s also a sort of personal blog and it’s just nice looking. so there, buy some stuff.
  • UrbanPhoto : I can’t remember how I stumbled on to it but I found this blog a few days ago and I’ve been looking through all the pictures. I haven’t gotten around to actually reading the blog but the pictures are enough for me at the moment. It’s like a little bit of tourism from my desk at work.
  • omg spoilerz, plz! : My friends Amy Racecar and The Floronic Man are avid comic book readers and have started a new blog to discuss comics, generally spilling spoilers any chance they get.
  • wallflour : is a new foodie blog that I came across via YELP. So far I just really like the design but I haven’t read many of the posts yet.
  • Daily Pep Talk From A Best Friend : I was perusing Tumblr the other day and came across this post. DPTFABF is a little make you feel good kinda thing. It’s nice to have those on the internet. Though, I just ran into a rather annoying interstitial ad unit that they have running which crashed my browser. I wish sites would realize that “any” advertising is not always “good” advertising.

Bad News, Good News

bad news: Cassia is moving out.

good news: Cassia and JG are moving into the apt on the other side of the building!

bad news: Jane might be moving out.

good news: Julie might be moving in!

bad news: I’m giving up my big bedroom with the private porch.

good news: I’ll be paying about $200 less in rent while still staying in the same apt!

bad news: I seem to be becoming more of a misanthrope everyday.

good news: It seems that most people I talk to about it feel sort of the same!

bad news: I’m missing certain people

good news: …

I’m not sure if there is any, I mean, Julie is coming back for the summer and while I’m really looking forward to hanging out with her again I know she’ll be gone soon. People seem to come and go from my life and while I do enjoy the time I spend with them I’m always sad when that time comes to an end.

Auntie Evelyn has told me about the whole “everyone serves a purpose” thing in life. There are some people who come and go from your life and others who are there for the long haul. Everyone serves a purpose, either you meet them at a certain point and time and they help you get through something. Perhaps they help you experience something new. In any case they are there, and then they are gone, and that is how it is supposed to be.

While I can certainly appreciate the effort to make sense of something that really can’t be explained but just happens (cause that is life) I kind of do not accept this. I don’t think I ever have, really. Might seem a little sad (or desperate?) but I think I’ve always tried to stay open to people who’ve wanted to stay in touch and it seems that I have a habit of giving people a second chance (or third, fourth, fifth, nth chance) because, well I guess there’s always the chance that they really did change.

Urban Dictionary: Tim Gunn That Shit

So last week Nathan sent me a link to rule 26 on Which is possibly the laziest excuse for a “definition” I have ever seen. It’s a poorly written entry. A much better example is the first listing of rule 34, which is similar to rule 26 but actually defines like a dictionary should. At the suggestion of Nathan, I submitted my first entry to for a phrase I coined today. I don’t think it will get published for awhile, if it even makes it.

Tim Gunn it
verb – To offer constructive feedback on a design before the design is carried out to fruition. Usually reserved for fashion but can apply to pretty much anything. Refers to Tim Gunn, from the American reality TV show, Project Runway.

Other variations include using names of the judges from Project Runway (“Heidi Klum it”, “Michael Kors it”, “Nina Garcia it”) however, these would be used to criticize something after creation and not before.

“I have the draft done but I need someone to Tim Gunn it.”

“OMG, did you see Betsy Johnson’s new spring collection? Shoulda Tim Gunned that shit when it was still a sketch.”

Source: Mitzi Y., Los Angeles, CA


The new Man Man album is in heavy rotation right now. I just can’t get over the energy that comes from this band. I want to live in their music. The closest they are coming to Los Angeles on this tour is Santa Barbara, so on April 24th, after work, I am driving to SB with some people to see Man Man and then heading right back.

He’s got a curse around his neck
Like a yoke
He knows
To ever forget
The way she cut through his bed
The way a snake will bite
Through a cave of flesh

But he holds her
Though she’s broken
And swears he don’t care where she’s been
He’s tired
Of being human
Wears her close to the bone
As though she was his own skin
Shoots from the heart
Instead of the head
His mouth and his words
They rarely connect

Looks to the past
And where his tounge’s tread
And knows he meant the opposite

But she holds him
Like an infant
Though it breaks her in half
To know
he’ll wait like a man

So long
Cold indifference
When he reaches for her
She’s gone
She slips like the wind through blackened sails

But who are we to love
At all?
Who are we to love
At all?

I hope you don’t mind
If I hang all of my hopes
I hang all of my hopes
On this time

Although I’ve been warned
I’ll probably get burned
I’d rather get burned
Than to not try

I hope you don’t mind
If I hang all of my hopes
I hang all of my hopes
On this time
Cause you won’t
Let it go

Let it go