Links & Things

Okay, a few things: last night I went out to Radbull… heh, typo but I think I’ll leave it. I meant REDbull HQ in Santa Monica for a viewing party of a new BMX Ride DVD. Brought my camera because I had heard that their offices are phat. They totally are, dude.

front entrance

see more here

This Saturday I’m heading to CA Boom (is that supposed to be pronounced “kaboom”?) with Erin and her mum. I’ll probably take lots of pics and blog about it, although I’m really bad at remembering everything I see and think is cool. We’ll see what I can remember, maybe I’ll take notes.

Here come the links!

Milton said we should get this for the office. I agree.  It will add a new level of professionalism.

Capricia sent me this and I saw what everyone else didn’t see, but failed to do what was instructed. Does that mean I won? Or did I lose? I think it means I am cyclist friendly, which I know I am. 🙂

If That’s The Way It Is, Then That’s The Way It Is

Yesterday I spent some time thinking about “the past.”

For some reason the past always seems to be filled with more fondness than the present. It doesn’t matter which past it is. My theory is that because years are condensed into a small portion of my memory I only have room for things I want to remember and those are either pure fun or pure sadness. Things happening now are spread out over a longer period of time… I guess it’s like defragmenting your computer. There are huge gaps between the important information in the present so it takes awhile to recall the good times. When the memory has been defragmented the memories are more concentrated in the area they are given. There is a higher joy/pain to space ratio.

I always seem to want to go back to “the past.” I want to revisit those feelings. I want physically be in the memories I hold in my mind. I try to do that but as we all know, “you can never go back.” And I know this. I know it will never be the same again, but I think I’d still like to try and create some new memories while I’m at it.

more after the jump

I’m in San Francisco!

 sunrise on flight

I’m actually going to be in San Francisco for two separate trips this month. I’m here now as part of a surprise birthday thing for my friend Brian (or “bean” as everyone calls him). We all came up to S.F. from L.A. met up with some of out other S.F. based friends at the Zeitgeist last night to surprise him. He thought he was spending a quiet weekend in S.F. with his girlfriend… little did he know he’d have to put up with us for the night.

He was actually surprised, he had no clue. We were even more surprised that he really was surprised. We had figured someone would have let the cat out of the bag seeing as how many people knew and it was planned about a month and a half in advance.

So far on this trip I have bought way too many sweets, and have lots left over. I think I’ve changed my spending habits to focus more on food rather than clothing and accessories. This is due to the issue of producing  waste that I talked about in a previous entry. I know with food at least I’m not producing harmful waste – that is, not that I know of… it might be a by product of the food that is made for me.

One thing I love about this city is that even places that aren’t marketed as “environmentally friendly” eating establishments still are. What I mean is that on Friday I went to Bistro Burger for lunch, got a burger and fries to go and they use recycled paper boxes instead of Styrofoam. At Zeitgeist they were using the new bio-degradable cutlery that I’ve been reading about recently on TreeHugger and GLiving. These aren’t some hippie, health food joints yet everyone in this city is already so eco-aware that it’s just normal practice for them to take that extra step.

So anyway, I’m off to visit more friends, eat more food, and look for those damn organic jeans until I have to leave tomorrow morning.

SFO BART platform

Last 5 songs I bought on iTunes

So I got tagged by Sean Bonner to post the last 5 songs I bought on iTunes. I think this is supposed to be some kind of indication of what kind of music I like, and it works for the most part. However, I’ve been buying a lot of music in CD format lately so the results of this experiment are 1.) not really accurate and 2.) kind of embarrassing.

The last five tracks I bought from iTunes are from one album, the soundtrack to Spanglish. There is a song in the movie that has a great violin (possibly viola) solo and I really wanted it but you can only buy the entire album. So I did and it was well worth it.

If you want an actual sampling of what I buy on iTunes I can tell you the last 5 items. They would be

5. Spanglish soundtrack

4. a free sampler album from iTunes

3. episodes of Shear Genius (reality/competition t.v. show on Bravo)

2. Tracy Chapman – Fast Car

1. Gwen Stefani – Sweet Escape

I know this won’t help much but to balance it out I have also bought episodes of This American Life as well as a full Mitch Hedberg CD.

An Open Letter to An Old Friend

Dear San Francisco,

Hi. How are you?

I know it’s been awhile. I’m sorry things ended up like they did last time we were together.

I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. I’ve been looking at pictures. I really miss you. I love the time we spent together. You were there for me through some of the hardest years of my life and I’m so grateful for that. I don’t know if we can ever get back to where we were before but I know I want you to be a part of my future. I just can’t stand living like this, not seeing you. I wish I could hug you but I wouldn’t know where to start.

I’ll see you soon, hopefully. Not sure when, but soon.

Love you,