Couldn’t Sleep At All Last Night

I went to sleep at 6:30 this morning…thats what it must feel like to be on crack! Before today I was on a 14 hour plane ride (on the 8th) during which I slept probably a total of 3 hours, maybe less, and was sleep deprived that morning anyway.

I slept until 8 (that’s two hours of sleep, folks), when I had to get up and take my grandma to get her blood tested. At the lab the stupid receptionist lady forgot to put our paper work in so we sat waiting for almost an hour for what could have been accomplished in 20 minutes. Fun.

In other news, I somehow had the energy to take down the Christmas tree decorations, rearrange the living room and clean everything in preparation for my going away party. I don’t know what kind of blood runs through my veins. or maybe it’s just sugar water.

So I finally am starting to go through and edit my Hong Kong pics.

Back in the U.S.S.A.

Okay, I’m back in The States now.

I’m leaving L.A. on the 16th. I have to pack, I have to hang out with friends, I have to stress out.

Window to my head:
What if I hate my roommates? What am I going to eat? What if I fuck up and don’t get good grades? How am I going to pay back my student loans? What am I going to do after I graduate? What time is it? How am I going to wake up tomorrow? god it’s 2! shit! I feel sick. why am I so cold? money…cold…sleeeep.

Travel Is In Your Future

Tomorrow morning I am leaving. how exciting. It’s been ummm 10 or 11 years since I’ve been in Hong Kong. My parents and relatives have me taking so much crap with me to my aunt and cousin. I’m taking lots of mail (addressed to my aunt) and presents and steaks. Yeah, as in meat.

I opened my most important presents last night, from my honey, Dnaiel. He bought me seasons 1-5 of FRIENDS on DVD!! I’ll be watching friends for the rest of my life! haha.

Right now, however, I am watching the appendices of Two Towers…a Christmas present I bought for myself. Such great shit!

Again, merry Christmas to everyone and happy new year!

Wanted to add: it doesn’t feel like Christmas because I haven’t watched any Christmas movies yet

The Road to New Beginnings

Classes are finally over. Christmas time is here. Soon it will be a whole new year, and I don’t know if it means starting over but I know it’s a jumping off point (is that the term?). I could be smarter. I could try to be less analytical and emotional about my personal life. I could learn new things. Let’s see what happens.

All I do know for sure is that I have a limited number of days here at home to be with my loved ones and friends. To enjoy LA and everything it has to offer. To abuse my Disneyland Annual Pass to the fullest extent (hee hee) and to pack up my life into boxes. I know I’ll still have a place here if I need or want it but I think I should learn to be on my own. I think minimizing my material possessions will be good for my soul.

I haven’t really had much to close with for the past month of journal entries, I still don’t right now but I’ll just say happy holidays and be safe on new years.

End of the Year Wrap Up

My mom bought a Christmas tree today.

I’m not studying for my Calculus final tomorrow…I really, really should though. I have to pull an 83 for a B! HA! I doubt I will be able to. Do you think I should try? I mean I’m a pretty good student. I used to get straight As, and I could still if I didn’t fuck around so much. All it takes is a little effort, but it’s too late now to put a little effort in. Now it’s time for the BIG effort.

Tomorrow night is ROTK with SGLA.

Thursday I have to register for classes at SFSU.

Business Law final on Friday.

Saturday I have the SGLA holiday party gift exchange.

Sunday is the stage production of Nightmare Before Christmas at my school being put on by the school’s percussion ensemble and the choir, narrated by my friend/former classmate, Laurence.

Monday and Tuesday are reserved for maybe my last couple of annual pass holder days at Disneyland.

Wednesday I’m leaving on jet plane. I’ll be back next year.