Everybody Wants To Rule The World

Today is the last voting day, official voting day of the 2008 Presidential Election. At the head of the race are Senator John McCain for the Republicans, and (everyone’s favorite) Senator Barack Obama running on the Democratic party ticket. There’s sort of a lot riding on this and I think when it really comes down to it, Obama stands more of change than McCain does. Not to mention that McCain’s running mate, Sarah Palin, is absolutely unqualified to be next in line to lead this country. I’d be dead afraid if she was in charge. I don’t know why people voting for McCain don’t see that.

Anyway, I didn’t vote for Barack Obama, but I’m hoping he wins. I’d love for Cynthia McKinney to win, but I already know that won’t happen. I guess just as long as John McCain doesn’t win, I’m fine. As of right now though, it’s looking like this:

Electoral Map as of 4:17pm PST, Obama - 3, McCain - 8
Electoral Map as of 4:17pm PST, Obama - 3, McCain - 8

TED Talks: The Environment

So I was just talking to Jamie about flying to San Francisco this weekend because she is taking Virgin America for the first time. I’m excited for her. Have I ever mentioned I LOVE flying VA? Cause I do.

Anyway I told her to make sure to check out TED talks for in flight entertainment because they almost always have at least one or two topics that interest me. I pulled up the TED website to show her what they were and I found a gold mine of great talks regarding the future of our environment.

Check them out if you have some time.

New: Google Reader Shared Items Widget

Try to say that five times fast.

Anyway I’ve been pretty obsessed with Google Reader for awhile. It’s the best thing to do when you’re at work and need a break. You can just click on Google Reader and be informed on everything that is happening in the world at the moment in one easy place. Or just what is happening on the blogs of your friends. Or in the world of celeb blogs. Whatever.

So I discovered this widget Google created which shares your shared items with people who may not use Google Reader or aren’t included on your shared list. As you can I’ve added it to the sidebar. Down there… yeah, scroll down. There it is!

I had some trouble deciding on a color scheme though. I would prefer black but their black option offered orange text which just gave it this weird halloween themed look. I also liked gray (or grey if you’re fancy) but the light gray text was on a white background and I think might produce some problems, depending on your screen contrast, resolution, etc. So I went with something else, which I can’t remember now. 

Here are the options I was considering, none of which really fit the current color scheme of the site. Any thoughts?


choose one!
choose one!

High Flyin

Okay so this is my last post before I head off to the trapeze school. If I don’t return this will be my last farewell.

I do not regret the things that I have done but those I did not do.

That’s totally not true, I regret them equally.

Half The Horizon’s Gone

I often hear people say “false sense of security” when they talk about people attainging certain material item or even some kind of personal relationship. For example, getting a can of mace to carry around in your purse might give one a false sense of security. Another example, being married gives one a false sense of security.

So, what I want to know is what does it mean to be secure. If everything you ever thought could make you feel better actually doesn’t do anything for you then does this mean everything in our lives is false? It seems like nothing actually makes one secure, so is “security” a made up term, like “love”? (I’ll save the Love theory for another entry)

It actually angers me a little when people say that now, as if they are so much more “secure” and perhaps that’s not even what they intended it to mean. Perhaps they realize that they do the same thing and find themselves feeling falsely secure as well. Still, one shouldn’t trivialize something someone else has so much faith in. That bugs me.