Undo! Undo!
I stupidly upgraded the site and having done so just de-updated the site’s look. It’s like backwards evolution around here. Now I have to take time out of my busy schedule of going to shows to put things back the way they were. *sigh*
Documenting the constant struggle of soul transformation
Undo! Undo!
I stupidly upgraded the site and having done so just de-updated the site’s look. It’s like backwards evolution around here. Now I have to take time out of my busy schedule of going to shows to put things back the way they were. *sigh*
I spent a few hours last night changing the look of this site (the blog really) while watching The Fog – which was actually sort of entertaining. I had no desire to see The Fog when I saw the trailer and posters but after watching for free in the comfort of my own living room I was able to not care so much that there really wasn’t much explanation for the killings that happened.
Anyhow, I changed a few parts of the site. The navigation bar at the top is even functional now, although there is still quite a lack of content to navigate to. Still working on some of the site though. Stay tuned.
On a recent trip to Santa Cruz for Labor Day weekend, my friends and I decided to have a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner (or Christmas if you prefer) because really, one day a year just isn’t enough.
We learned that during the “off season” turkeys at the store are generally half the size of those during the holiday season. This is partly due to the fact that the turkeys don’t include any dark meat – no wings, no drumsticks. 🙁 Despite the lack of dark meat (or as I like to call it “the flavor explosion”) we still made a delicious Thanksgiving dinner and I was stuffed, almost to the point where I would have needed to induce vomiting to keep from exploding. I know! That indeed does sound delicious, doesn’t it?
I firmly believe that stuffing is something one should have as a kitchen staple, like popcorn or something. You sit down to watch some tv with a glass of water and a bowl/plate of stuffing. Yummmm YUM!
Moving on, I had quite an excellent time in Santa Cruz with Julie, Danielle & Co. They’ve asked me to refer to them by that title in the future so I am happy to oblige. I always have fun with them, well, ok probably not always but I don’t think I’ve encountered anything traumatizing enough to remember right now so that says enough.
We shopped, we ate, we watched awards shows. I think it was a very successful holiday for me.
On my weekday commute from my house to the train station I drive through the ports of Long Beach. That’s 25 minutes, two bridges, numerous 18 wheelers and always a couple of drivers who can’t follow (or maybe are just oblivious to) the undefined rules of the road. Yes, they suck at driving. You want to know why?
They drive slow in the fast lane and won’t move over. They wait for your cushion of space and then swerve in front of you without any signal – fortunately for me I can sense it, like a ninja. They are also completely disrespectful of the cargo trucks that use the area for work.
I don’t know if it’s from watching Smokey and The Bandit one too many times or what but I have a deep sense of respect for truckers. They must have to put up with a lot of shitty drivers all day long and they’re responsible for a lot of cargo. I know that when the trucker in the right hand lane is signaling to get over to the left, it’s not because he wants to drive in front of me slowly, like an asshole, it’s because he needs to make a fucking left at the next light.
Other drivers don’t see this. They think “No, I don’t want to drive behind this big, slow, dumb ol’ truck! I have to get to work” but what they don’t understand is that really the trucks are just passing through. Trying to speed up and go around them is the douchiest thing you can do, in my opinion. I really hate it when people do that.
So the other day I was driving through the port, over the bridges, to grandmothers house, and a motorcycle is driving among the traffic. I don’t know why but ever since I almost dated a motorcycle rider, I’ve been intrigued. My old college roommate has a boyfriend who rides. She once told me there is something hot about riding on the back with your amrs wrapped around a warm body. I suppose there is something about the speed and power in conjuction with the ever present danger of being in such a vulnerable position that gets to me. Needless to say, I was instantly attracted to the rider, who I’m pretty sure was a male.
I kept my eye on him as we cruised along the winding highway through the harbor. He was driving between lanes in my front left corner so it was easy to keep track of him. Then a truck signaled it’s need to change lanes. Cars started their “I’m going to pass you so I don’t get stuck behind you” routine. I began to get annoyed with them. This truck is going to have to slow down before he hits the next light to wait for a break in traffic, causing the entire section of the highway to slow down with it. Just then The Motorcyclist pulls a slightly dangerous manuver, he gets in front of the next car to pass the truck, holds traffic and motions for the trucker to make the lane change. The driver waved at The Motorcyclist, he got over and The Motorcyclist opened up the lane again.
That was it. I was done for. I now had a full blown crush on The Motorcyclist, male or female. Oh if he only knew.
I’ve decided I want to study abroad…or study ablad, as my mom says.
I’m considering the UK, either London or Swansea in Wales, maybe American Business School in Paris or a Univ. in Melbourne, Australia. I don’t know how economically possible this would be…or possible at all. I’ve only looked at some information on the website and narrowed down countries with participating schools. I need to attend a meeting tomorrow after I get out of work.
I’m quite excited about it but I don’t know if this will be like the time I tried to plan a trip to London for Spring Break and got all the information but stopped short at buying tickets and a bed at a hostel…or if it will be like me applying to go to school up here in San Francisco and actually moving from Los Angeles.
I think that moving up here has led me to believe that no matter where I end up I will have fun and survive. Hopefully that is the case. I’ve been thinking about pulling out my roots and floating into the wind a lot lately…to New York mostly. I don’t know why I feel this way. Was it watching a Felicity marathon on Sunday night that made me feel this way? Perhaps it was the feeling which urged me to put the DVD in and watch the story of another girl’s trek across the country. Maybe I’m searching for something. I guess San Francisco was my first baby step. What I’m searching for I really don’t know…so how will I know when I find it? I guess it’s like they say, “When you know you’ll know.” I keep telling people I’m trying to find myself…but I don’t really know what in myself is missing.
At this point I can only think of one thing that is missing and that is the love I have lost. I think that was my anchor and now that the rope has been severed my boat floats freely and will travel…but every boat must dock somewhere.