30 for 30: January

Ladies and gentlemen, I am now 30. A grown up, technically speaking.

I have already completed four things from my list of 30 things to do in my 30th year! Here they are:
2. Steampunk Party!

patrick and myself in steampunk garb

4. Host a masquerade party

Julie and Elliot wearing masquerade garb


25. go to a farm or petting zoo (with goats and llamas or alpacas)

A goat trying to eat my tote bag at the petting zoo


And on my birthday, Patrick and I went to…
6. Disneyland!

Patrick and I at Disneyland


So that leaves just 26 items left. Here is what remains:

1. Swim with a Beluga (or some kind of up close and personal experience)
3. Get a scooter
5. Learn how to sail
7. Do laughing yoga
8. Learn how to drive manual
9. Indoor skydiving
10. Visit http://www.skyzonesports.com/ (caution: this site has auto play sound)
11. Have a Thanksgiving feast (not on Thanksgiving)
12. Kayak in Hawaii
13. Dim Sum Party!
14. Travel overseas (Hong Kong? Europe? Bali?)
15. Make and eat a pizza (being really ambitious here)
16. Get a goldfish!
17. Host a private screening of a movie in a theater (http://www.dickclarkproductionstheater.com/)
18. Screen an old movie (with a projector preferrably) and wear clothes from that era
19. Ride a train to a destination outside of L.A.
20. Visit a museum
21. Go on The Price is Right (kind of dreading this, actually)
22. Make a movie
23. Have a big Chinese family dinner gathering at parents’ house
24. Do a factory tour (of anything: donuts, tortillas, furniture, cars)
26. Celebrate at a barcade (Dave and Buster’s or other arcade/drinking/dining environment)
27. Learn CSS
28. Visit New Orleans
29. New tattoo in a new city
30. Go to Graceland

It’s the most busiest time of the year!

May is so busy for me! I pretty much have things scheduled for every weekend.

This past weekend was Orange County brunch, a monthly brunch event in Seal Beach. Then there was Unique Los Angeles after that. On Sunday I had an impromptu trip to Disneyland for Bats Day. That was… interesting.

Each time I go to Disneyland I find less and less to do there. I think I’ve succumb to the jaded passholder mindset, which is that there are really only four fun rides and once you do that there isn’t much else to do. Which is somewhat true. If it’s your first time though, you have to do everything. I’ll still never understand how people can take a three or four day vacation at the Disneyland resort. There’s not enough things to do in that park to fill four days. Continue reading “It’s the most busiest time of the year!”