Marketing Makes Me Worry About Everything

I got this email from Sephora today that tells me I am thisclose to having enough points in my “Beauty Bank” loyalty program, to get a free kit of preventative measures. This lead me to start thinking about things like, “At what age should a lady start considering anti-aging beauty products? I mean, I’ve just finally got a handle on this whole blemish thing, now I have to get a whole new set of products?”

As I get older and pass that 30 year mark, it occurs to me that my “youth” is probably coming to an end and regardless of how young I feel on the inside, and how mentally immature I am (heh heh, farts), those wrinkles are coming and I should probably do something now, like drinking ten gallons of water a day and smearing blubber all over those “problem areas” that I can’t even find yet!

I remember working the opening shift at Jamba Juice and encountering this woman who, judging by the color of her hair and the wrinkles of her face must have been in her sixties. She was there at 6:30 am, after a run or jog because she was wearing workout clothes. She was in amazing shape, despite the wrinkles, her skin looked great. How can I ensure that the same will happen to me?

I think the short answer here is just to eat right and work out every day, but seriously who has time for that?!