The L.A. Film Festival started last Thursday ( the same day as the Lakers game that led to stupidity and the last day of E3 ) and tonight Patrick and I went to… it?
We went to the 8 pm screening of Katalin Varga. I don’t want to talk about the film (though it was good and I would suggest seeing it), I mostly want to talk about the experience of going to the film festival… which I sort of did but sort of didn’t. There seems to be this whole subculture of film festival fanatics. These people have passes! Like passes around their necks that they paid $200 for! I like movies and all but I don’t know if I’d be into paying that much to view some movies that I may or may not like. Though, I think I probably would watch them all if i had the time.
That kind of thing makes me wonder who these people are. I like to think they all know each other, they are like the discussion board members from Pattern Recognition. They have their little dramas etc. This makes it more interesting than the truth, which is that they are probably in the industry, or are reporters.
This post was not well thought out at all, nor did it really have a point. Oh well, LAFF, it’s here, it’s queer, get used to it.
Speaking of movies, check out the genius marketing that is being done for Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (which I am very excited about seeing):