London Trip, Google Books, Universal Health Care

Quick and to the point update!

A health care bill was passed this weekend and was signed by President Barack Obama into law. There are a lot of things to work on and a long time before it’s going to work well but HOLY SHIT THIS IS, as VP Biden said, A BIG FUCKING DEAL.

One part of the health care bill that I particularly enjoy is that restaurants will now be required to print calorie counts on their menus. Pretty cool.

In related news, I don’t know what the fuck is up with elected officials nowadays. Republicans are being really offensive IN the House. I feel like the past 8 years democrats have been politely complaining, and certainly not calling for Bush’s assassination. I don’t get where these people get the idea that they can act like this. When did become acceptable behavior for people who are supposed to represent America? Could we take a step back and look at these people are doing? I wonder if governments of other first world countries act like this in legislative houses. I wonder if Canadians or the English are like this.

I guess I’ll get to find out later this year… ’cause I’m planning a trip to London! Woooooooo! Yeah so I’m finally in a place where I’m financially stable enough to save up money to go on a trip like this. I’ve gotten pretty excited looking at vacation packages and what not. I think I want to stay for a whole week. Eee! I also just found my passport tonight and luckily it doesn’t expire until next May so I don’t have to worry about paying for a renewal. Huzzah! In the meantime I have trips to SF and Seattle booked. I’ll also be going to Laughlin in August and Oregon in September for Sarah’s wedding.

Finally, I just discovered Google Books! Look how cool it is!

“America, We Can Not Turn Back.”

I’m watching Barack Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention from last night. He’s a very good speaker and I do like him, but at the same time I always wonder how much of what he’s saying is actually what he is going to do. I’m always skeptical and untrusting of politicians, no matter how well liked they are.

I feel like he’s saying everything we want to hear but isn’t that the point? I mean isn’t that what he has to do to get elected? I don’t think I’ll be able to say whether or not he’d make a good president until after we’ve seen what he does. Of course, by that time it would be too late to turn back.

I guess I’m a cynic.