Annnd We’re Back!

Well that was a rather long hiatus, wasn’t it. Okay maybe not that long but considering I was supposed to be doing this daily, that was pretty long.

Good god, I’m watching The Bachelorette because I am house sitting and the DVR is recording it so I can’t watch anything else. Here is an actual line that someone, a guy, said:

“That’s just my heart. Jump in… stay awhile.”

Jesus, did this guy learn how to talk to women by watching Anchorman? He is a little crazy actually. It’s weird watching this show because all these guys are attractive, in their own way. I think they’re all generally more attractive than normal but man… are some of them so NOT normal. They are kind of freaks, in terms of personality and acting like a rational person. I don’t know why this surprises me. I should just assume that since they are on a reality t.v. show to “fall in love” they are a bit off.

So back to real life. This weekend included dim sum and Renegade Craft Fair with friends.

Sunday I ended up heading beyond the orange curtain via Amtrak. Spent the day with Darren and Pancake

Pancake is less then thrilled

Darren and I ended up baking two pies last night. One from scratch and I made a fucking excellent crust if I do say so myself.