Rewatching Robin Hood (1973)

My friends Maxx and Piper got married this weekend and hired a lovely band to play songs during the ceremony and the reception. The first song they played was from Robin Hood, here’s a bit of it.

Now, a few days later, I can’t stop thinking about Robin Hood so I ended up watching it tonight. This was one of my favorite movies as a kid, not sure exactly why. Maybe it was because I was in love with the idea of someone doing something good like giving to the poor (I ignored the fact that he was stealing from the rich, which, as an adult, I am very torn about.) or maybe it was the music.

Sir Hiss Air Balloon
Sir Hiss

But now, I give you, my top 10 lines from Robin Hood:

    1. “Oh, poppycock! Female bandits, what next? Rubbish!” Ah, sexism. Always funny.
    2. “I’ve got a dirty thumb,” will never get old.
    3. “Are you ready, Lady Kluck?” “Oh, as your lady in waiting, I’m waiting!” Klucky is the best.
    4. When Little John dresses like a dandy at the archery tourney and says “I am Sir Reginald, Duke of Chutney.”
    5. “Move it Creepy, get lost! Be gone Long One.” As an adult, I find this hilarious but as a kid I was like “That’s mean!”
    6. “Please, I don’t drink.” says Sir Hiss as he is encased in a barrel of wine during the archery tournament.
    7. “Release the royal fingers.”
    8. “Not so hard, you mean thing!” This was the rudest insult they could get away with in a kids movie.
    9. The whole phony King of England song.
    10. “Lucky for us, King Richard returned and well, he just straightened everything out.” How convenient, Disney.

Also, this movie is very confusing because a lot of the characters have American accents, even regional American accents but the movie (and the story of Robin Hood) is obviously set in England. There are even pound signs instead of dollar signs on Robin’s wanted posters.

racist and sexist
Robin being both racist and sexist.

Tracy and John’s Wedding

It happened this weekend and it was pretty fun, despite the minor strss out I had about the photobooth guy not showing up during the time I was told he would be there.

But he showed, and fun was had:

I'm giving Patrick the uppercut

There’s going to be a wedding!

Well there was a wedding. A mighty fine one at that. Stress levels were high, as were family politics and well, the bridal party. At the end of the day though they got married and that was what we were all there for.

Wedding and a Bull Ride

Guh, this weekend was tiring, I’m looking forward to a relaxed week but that is never a guarantee. I drove so much this weekend and barely have gotten any sleep. This is why I am cutting this post short tonight and saving it for tomorrow.